The Cupbearer and the Baker

These two men both offended the Pharaoh and wound up in prison.  Yet one was eventually restored to his position while the other was put to death.  You have to wonder why the outcomes were so very different.  Was the baker’s offense greater than the Cupbearer’s?  Was Pharaoh’s attitude just different from one man to the other?  In any case, something led to the different outcomes.  For us, we stand before God guilty of sin, just like the next person.  But our punishment is based on our relationship with the Father.  When we stand before God washed of our sins through baptism, God extends His mercy to us.  God does not forgive us because we are a “better person”.  God forgives because of our relationship with Him through our Savior Jesus Christ. 

- Neal

Lesson 35 Study Notes 

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